Thank you for taking the time to view this LGBTQ+ Reporting Guide! We admire your dedication to accurately and fairly sharing Mississippi's stories. OUr hope is that these resources can aid you in reporting on the LGBTQ+ community with respect and sensitivity. 

Each of these resources provide a distinct perspective and value in the pursuit of telling authentic and impactful stories about queer individuals and communities. From essential data to appropriate language, these resources can act as a guide to accurate and nuanced storytelling. 

These resources are meant to provide a framework rather than a one-size-fits-all solution. We encourage you to continue approaching stories about the LGBTQ+ community with ompassion, open-mindedness, and specificity for the best possible reporting. 

Keep in Mind: 
  • Talk to trans people about trans people
  • Normalize asking all sources for their name and pronouns
  • Avoid "both sides-isms"
  • Explore new narratives



These resources provide important context and data about Mississippi's LGBTQ+ community. 

Reporting Guide Data

Mississippi LGBT Snapshot: This interactive data sheet from the Williams Institute provides an overview of pertinent data about Mississippi's queer and trans+ community, including socioeconomic indicators and population characteristics. (Updated in 2020)

Mississippi's Equality Profile: This resource uses demographic data and policy analysis to provide important context about the LGBTQ community. The profile places Mississippi's legal landscape in context with national averages, and covers nondiscrimination ordinances, religious exemption laws, LGBTQ youth policies, and criminal justice policy amongst other important equality indicators. (Updated in 2021)


These resources provide guidance on language, style, and terminology when reporting on the LGBTQ+ community. 

Reporting Guides

Trans Journalists Association Style Guide: The Trans Journalists Association "exists to support trans journalists in their workplaces and careers through community support, providing guidance to newsrooms for mroe accurate, sensitive coverate of trans communities." This tool acts as a starting point for better and mor enuanced coverage of trans people and the trans community as a whole. (Updated in 2020)

GLADD Media Reference Guide: This guide "offers education and guidance on telling LGBTQ people's stories in ways that bring out the best in journalism." It includes a glossary of terms along with reporting guidelines for a variety of topics as they relate to the queer community, including healthcare, global LGBTQ rights, and LGBTQ youth. (Updated in 2022)

Radical Copyeditor's Style Guide for Writing About Transgender People: This style guide emphasizes context and care when approaching stories about transgender people. It includes sections on bias-free terminology, pronouns, and affirming language. (Updated in 2021)