Keeping people informed about individual rights and civil liberties is one of the most important parts of the ACLU of Mississippi's mission. Through media, public events, campus chapter activities and direct community organizing, the ACLU is constantly raising awareness about the state of Constitutional freedoms in Mississippi.

ACLU of Mississippi Speakers Bureau

Our office maintains a bureau of speakers willing to talk with your group--at no cost--about constitutional rights and civil liberties. Perhaps you want to learn more about a burning civil liberties issue in the news, or a longstanding constitutional or human rights topic. Our experts can give a professional presentation on the topic and answer your group's questions. Request a speaker at least three weeks in advance by sending an email to . List the topic in which you're interested, and we will do our best to provide you a speaker.

Getting the News Out Through Media

Press releases, op-eds and media interviews are some of the ways the ACLU-MS keeps people informed about the state of individual liberty in Mississippi, and the work of the ACLU defending the Constitution. We use traditional media such as newspapers and radio, as well as online media. The ACLU of Mississippi offers RSS feeds on key issues. When we post new content about those issues on our website, a "feed" of information about that content is updated and retrieved by your feed reader.

Developing and Supporting ACLU Student Chapters

The ACLU of Mississippi works with existing ACLU college and university ACLU chapters, and we are working to establish more. Wherever students are passionate about protecting and promoting liberty, the ACLU will help establish and support an ACLU chapter. We can help recruit initial members, and we can provide speakers and materials for events. For more information, email us at

Practicing and Promoting Online Activism

The internet has radically broadened how the ACLU mobilizes and organizes around important Constitutional issues. By using the tools and resources available on the internet, ACLU-MS members are quickly and easily educated on the issues, communicate with neighbors and share concerns with elected officials. We use social media such a Facebook and Youtube to share information and tell our stories about Mississippi's fight for real, sustained change.

Coordinating ACLU Member Meetings with Mississippi Legislators

It's a simple fact: lawmakers won't know what ACLU members think about Constitutional issues unless we tell them. That's why the ACLU of Mississippi regularly coordinates meetings with legislators to talk about pressing legislative matters that support or harm individual rights. Members meet with legislators across the state, in the state capitol in Jackson, and in Washington, D.C. After meetings we stay in touch by email, letters, postcards and phone, all to ensure our legislators know the thoughts of their consituents who are also ACLU members, passionate about protecting the Constitution and individual liberty.